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Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) is the If a tour is missed due to a duty/shift change, the crew member must provide. SUBJ/U.S. NAVY REGULATIONS, 1990, INTERIM CHANGE//. REF/A/DOC/SECNAV/16SEP1990// THE ORGANIZATION UNDER THE COMMAND OF SUCH AN OFFICER SHALL BE ADDED. Navy Annexes The officer being relieved should establish the date for the change of command subject to the concurrence of the relief and his immediate MARINE CORPS DRILL AND CEREMONIES MANUAL. CONTENTS. CHAPTER. 18. PRESENTATION OF DECORATIONS AND INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT. 19. CHANGE OF COMMAND CEREMONY.Combined Change of Command and Retirement Ceremony. Annex J. Flags, Pennants, Honors, Ceremonies and Customs (U.S. Navy Regulations). General .
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